Author: Carter Jenkins

Bristle Bots at the library

Pet Robots at the Library

Bristle Bots are adorable critters made of googly eyes on a bristle-brush body that wiggle and dance their way across any smooth surface. Through a basic motor, these little guys vibrate their bristles and move!

Families joined us at the Golden Gate Library to make their very own Bristle Bot pets. We built the bodies using toothbrushes, hand saws, hot glue, soldering irons, and sandpaper, then each person decorated their dancing pet to give it its own unique personality. Then, participants got to race their bots against each other!

Programmable LED Costume Props at the Library

At the Golden Gate Library, we got together with folks to make programmable LED costume props.

We had a variety of laser-cut kits for folks to choose from, including cuff bracelets, tiaras, and more. Folks then sewed conductive thread, microcontrollers, and LEDs to create and customize their programmable costume prop. This project is geared toward makers 14 and up.