Access the entire backlog of AMT tasks on Asana
Login to this site and access the handshake page for shared login credentials. Once you login to you can search for tasks or go project-by-project though tasks. Choose tasks that don’t have anybody’s name assigned or in the tags. Most tasks also have tags that express their importance.
Once you have selected a task, please add your name to it use the tags and choose a due date.
Once the task is complete, please check it off as done.
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To step up and make your member contribution
Short – Dooooooo it! You are empowered to do these items whenever you are in the space and it works for you.
One-off Tasks – If it is straightforward, do it, then contact @officers and let them know it was done.
If partnership is needed to do the task, contact @officers and they will hook you up.
Ongoing – These tasks require an ongoing activity and commitment and are primarily in support of officers and stewards. Contact the officer or steward who owns this area of support and express your interest.
Leadership Roles – Directors, officers and stewards hold the leadership roles. Contact @board or @officers to express your interest and start on one of these roles.